Tuesday, December 16, 2008

About Town - Great Places to see the Lake in Oakville

Here's one of the best spots to see Lake Ontario in Oakville. Go south on Raymar Place right to the lake. These are the old steps and sea wall from the former Raymar Estate - great views.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Nov ' 07 versus Nov ' 08

The difficult and quiet times continue. There were 122 Oakville sales this November compared to 308 sales in November 2007. That represents more than a 60% sales volume decrease. 82 of these Nov '08 sales were for homes priced below $500,000. First time buyers are picking up some very good deals.

The average sales price for November was $552,500 down approximately 11 % from Octobers year to date selling average of $625,000.

There were 55 rental sales during the month and there are over 200 available rental homes and apartments as at November month end.