This Seller's market is incredible!
Homes and condo's sold in under 9 days this month with the majority of those seller's attempting auction/multiple bids, being successful and therefore the extraordinary swift sales results.
Here's the average sales price breakdown by housing type year over year;
Nov'21. Nov '20
Det 2-storey. $2252000 $1782000
Det bungalow $1663000 $1140000
Condo apts $781000 $610000
Condo THs $864000 $721000
Freehold THs $1395000 $882000
Semi-det $1261000 $954000
Detached 2-storey homes were up almost 1/2 a point from last month (Oct' 21) and 43% year over year.
Detached bungalows were up 46%
C-apts gained 28%
C-THs were up almost 20%
F-THs were up 58% and
Semi detached gained 32%
Usually semi-detached homes cost more on average than freehold townhomes. This November in Central Oakville there were a few high end FH THs (one of which sold for $3,000,000) sales which resulted in this change in ranking.
Inventory remains very low with only 105 homes and condo's available for sale. A year ago there were 416. Expect no let up in this activity.